Co-Founder @irisapp Designer Advisor & Angel Investor Smores Lover Wife to @blehnert Cool Mom in Tech Bloggin: https://t.co/2aderpnOVM
We coach and mentor Makers and Handmade Entrepreneurs, and provide access to liability insurance, so they can make more money and enjoy more life. Join today!
I'm Eleanor Dallaway,Editor of Infosecurity Magazine. Mostly tweet about infosec, but occasionally basset hounds,wine & all the other stuff that makes me happy.
Mostly nonsense, sometimes about security and/or policy. Often innuendo. Usual disclaimers: comments don't represent employer; hearts don't mean I love you.
Builder of web systems, teams, community. Co-founder @SassConf @GothamSass. previous @oddbird. Black. Dominicana. Sudanese. Queer. Directorx FE @Casper.
I write CSS like it's my job (it is). I lead an army of badass front end developers @Behance. Sass rules. My cat has asthma. I'm awesome.
https://t.co/XHvcCWmYkH & https://t.co/WwVBpXZudU MBA, MSF, U.C Berkeley - Worked in Singapore, Bolivia & US. Digital Marketing, The Economist Online Instructor
COO @MartianCraft | Co-Founder+CEO of: https://t.co/zsIRecJpqx IdeaMaker+Writer+Speaker+Mom+Woman-in-Tech+ @WWDCgirls @tinychallenges
CEO @ReadyToGroove. Human behind #HumansWithPeriods. Period guru, biohacker, fitness enthusiast, science nerd.
Founder #85Broads Passionate investor in women entrepreneurs who have the vision and the guts to go for it.
you can pitch your letter of rec idea to william[dot]staley[at]nytimes
Head of the Guardian's technology reporting team. I only reply to email when the answer is YES. PGP: 0XF87DA69E
Roving reporter Arabic Al Aan TV. I mainly report on Middle East topics. Specialized in checking garbage bins for secret documents &ISIS laptops. Horse Rider.
KING 5 Tacoma Bureau Chief. Retweets aren't endorsements. Opinions are my own.
Founder @zubeio. Tequila sipper. Maker of 180 websites in 180 days.
Vice President, Journalism @knightfdn Alum @nytimes @nynewsday. First NYT social media editor. Author, Queen Bess, just reissued by @OpenRoadMedia.
Dynamite with a Laser Beam
Front-end dev, co-host @ladies_in_tech Podcast, GirlDevelopIt + Skillshare teacher http://t.co/8KyV9p8t1J, http://t.co/4n1JpMFEJJ, http://t.co/TMLn10Lwao